Ketan Ahuja

I am a DPhil student in Law at the University of Oxford (part-time). My research focuses on how to regulate market competition in ways that reduce inequality, share power more broadly, and support innovation and economic growth. I am currently investigating how we make sense of market competition using simplified heuristics and paradigms, and how these paradigms lead us to leave important considerations out of antitrust and competition policy. My work has been published by Cambridge University Press, Harvard Kennedy School's Center for Business and Government, the Financial Times, ProMarket, Bruegel and the Roosevelt Institute. 

I also lead a research agenda on Green Growth at Harvard's Growth Lab. Our research looks at how places can growth their economies from changes that will take place as the world decarbonizes. My work involves fundamental research into green economic green, applied projects working with countries to develop green growth strategies, and developing an executive education course on green economic growth. My experience has spanned industrial policy and economic development initiatives in the clean energy and technology sectors, commercial management in the private sector, and legal advisory work in antitrust and competition policy.